Wednesday, May 25, 2016

America is just wrong. Or is it?

One of my many projects that I may never get around to finishing is my Human Republic Universe.  It began with an idea for a TV series (if I do get around to making it, it will most likely now be an animated web series) and I started writing short stories to help me flesh out the universe.  The HR is the weak, planetary government that develops after The Conflagration.  (World War III is a cliché and has certain connotations.  In some ways, The Conflagration is hard to define, with some historians putting 9/11 as the beginning, but most don’t push it back that far.)  After aliens make contact and give us the technology to travel to the stars, it evolves into an interstellar government.

The HR has three branches like the US government.  Unlike the US, the legislative branch is just a parliament where the citizens of the Member Nations elect their Member of Parliament.  All HR citizens also vote for the President, but the elections are different from the US.  Since there are so many political factions around the planet, there could be dozens of people running for President.  So the person with the most votes – who could just have 10% of the total – become President.  The person with the second most, becomes Vice President, and the person with the third most becomes the Prime Minister, who oversees Parliament.  And then it is tradition set by the first HR President – who co-wrote the HR Constitution – that the other candidates are offered Cabinet positions.  The idea behind this is that there are so many groups of humans in the HR, that they all deserve a voice in the government.  Because the point of the HR is to fix problems between the Member Nations and to try to make life better for the most citizens.

Contrast that to the way politics work in the US.  The goal of each party is to win the Presidency, as well as gain control in Congress so that they can do as they see fit.  Basically, they see America as wrong and they need to change it in an ideological fashion to “fix” it.  (How many candidates say America is great, but then in the next breath list all the problems that they will fix if you elect them?)  But who says the parties are right?  What if America is “broken” only because the parties keep trying to impose their ideologies on it?  Maybe the parties should stop with all the ideological bullshit and work on fixing the basic things like infrastructure, and let America go on its own way.

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